(This tasklist is due to the work of hundreds of experts and extensive research on what people need. It is an initiative driven by WHO and particularly supported by health organizations from Ireland, Canada, Norway, UK, New Zealand, and Belgium, and the contributions of individuals from many other countries. Please feel free to use to the benefit of humanity.)
- About WHO (mission, members, funding, donors)
- Animals and virus (get it from, give it to, walking)
- At-risk, vulnerable (age, pre-existing conditions, disabilities, ethnic minorities)
- Avoiding physical contact (social / physical distancing, self-isolation)
- Business participation, new products, ideas
- Caring for a vulnerable, at risk person
- Caring for someone with virus at home, yourself with virus
- Cleaning, disinfecting, waste disposal (hands, deliveries, home, workplace)
- Community-based support groups, local networks
- Compare statistics (country, local, tests, cases, recoveries, deaths, demographics)
- Compare symptoms with cold, flu, allergies
- Confined living, dealing with being inside (activities, entertainment)
- Confirmed cases, deaths, recoveries (daily, total)
- Contact WHO (media, experts)
- Deliveries, online shopping, post
- Diagnosis
- Diet, food, nutrition, supplements
- Digital democracy (participation, feedback, policy development, reform)
- Domestic, sexual abuse, violence
- Drugs (preventative, treatment, development, approved)
- Dying alone, funeral rites, mourning, grief
- Emergency contacts (ambulance, medical)
- End date, new normal, safe again
- Essential services, key / critical workers
- Explaining pandemic to children (guides, resources, advice)
- Explaining pandemic to those with learning difficulties (guides, resources, advice)
- Financial support, assistance, benefits (eligibility, availability)
- Food, medicines, essential products (stocks, hoarding, availability, disruptions)
- Government guidance, regulations (national, local)
- Government roles, responsibilities, who’s in charge of what?
- Government strategy (long-term control, lockdown exit, transition, economy reboot)
- Health services unrelated to pandemic (appointments, prescriptions, treatments)
- High risk transmission environments, (care homes, restaurants, supermarkets)
- Home schooling, remote teaching, learning (tips, how-to, advice)
- Immunity, antibody testing (criteria, availability, accuracy)
- Incubation period, time from infection to symptoms
- Industry / sector specific advice (airlines, funeral homes, supermarkets)
- Infection hotspots, clusters, exposures (near me, identifying, tracking)
- Infectiousness (when most infectious, super spreader, symptom-free but infectious)
- Latest news, latest research (alerts, directives, updates)
- Likely course of illness, outcomes, prognosis
- Mental health, wellbeing
- Modelling, forecasting, trends (flattening curve, economic impact)
- Money issues, personal finances, savings, pensions
- Movements, interactions of infected people (tracking, contact tracing)
- Myths, fake news, misinformation, out of date information
- New outbreak, second wave (response, containment)
- No longer infectious (criteria, time required in self-isolation)
- Number of tests (tests performed, individuals tested)
- Original outbreak source, patient zero (global, national)
- Personal protective equipment (PPE: masks, shields, gowns)
- Physical wellbeing, exercise, breathing exercises
- Post recovery complications (neurological, cardiac, respiratory)
- Pregnancy, birth, infants (precautions, advice, breast feeding)
- Privacy rights, data protection, anonymity (apps, personal health data)
- Professional medical training, courses
- Public health campaign material, posters, communications, educational resources
- Raw data, open data, datasets, metadata
- Relationships (family, friends, colleagues)
- Research ideas, submissions, funding, grants
- Research papers, studies
- Scams, cybersecurity threats
- Sexual, reproductive health, rights
- Symptoms, signs
- Technology support for less experienced, vulnerable, reduced income
- Testing for live / active virus infection (eligibility criteria, availability, accuracy)
- Transmission, spread, epidemiology
- Travel restrictions (quarantine, lockdown)
- Treatment lessons learned, emerging best practice, failed treatments
- Vaccine (development, availability, safety)
- Ventilators (availability, approved, impact on recovery, decision to use)
- Virus family, definition, names, acronyms
- Virus mutation, new strains
- Virus survival / viability / persistence on surfaces, in air
- Volunteering opportunities
- WHO guidelines, standards, decisions
- WHO’s position, opinion, response to
- Working from home (guidelines, tips, advice)
- Workplaces (preventing spread, rights, reopening criteria, guidance)